




A shepherd is a person who takes care of sheep. Shepherds work for long hours in all kinds of weather. They watch sheep to protect them from wolves and other animals while they are eating or sleeping.

In the mountains of Catalonia in Spain, shepherds have worked for many centuries. Traditionally, shepherds taught their sons how to take care of sheep, and the same families have been working in the same areas for many years. However, nowadays, there are fewer shepherds. Many young people do not want to work on their family’s land. In fact, in 2009, there were only 12 shepherds in Catalonia.

In order to attract more people, a school for shepherds was opened in 2009. Many of the students have already graduated from regular universities and worked at well-paying jobs in the city. However, they are interested in finding a job where they can work in nature and keep old traditions alive. (155words)








(1)「牧羊業」は、sheep-raising businessです。名詞+現在分詞=形容詞の他の例として、「問題児」:a trouble-making boy、「観光バス」:a sight-seeing bus、などがあります。「仕事を継ぐ」は、take over a businessと言います。


(3)「高給の大卒者」:high-salaried university graduates

(4)「自然に囲まれて」は、surrounded by nature、「何世紀にも及ぶ」は、centuries-old、「伝統を引き継ぐ」は、hand down the traditionです。


With fewer Catalonian young people wanting to take over their traditional sheep-raising business, a shepherd school was established to attract more young people. Now even high-salaried university graduates who hope to work surrounded by nature show interest in learning at this school and handing down the centuries-old tradition.  (48words)


With fewer O-ingは、「~する(O)が少なくなっている状況で」の意味です。例えば、「市を訪れる外国人観光客が増えている状況で、閉校した学校が観光案内所に改装された」であれば、With more foreign tourists visiting the city, a closed school was renovated into a tourist information center.となるでしょう。