(1) The cancer was gone, but his relief was short-lived as he was told he’d probably never return to school. He had an above-average verbal IQ of 120, but his memory recall score was 68, ( a person / comparable / is / of / that / who / with ) developmentally disabled. His only career option would likely be a highly supervised manual-labor job. (参考問題:大阪府立大)
(2) You would perhaps think that more was being communicated than was being said and that ( basic knowledge / being / no / as someone / treated / were / with / you ) (that is, as stupid). Once again, nothing in the sentences individually is inaccurate, but not expressing oneself in the most expected and useful way might be offensive. (参考問題:大阪府立大)
※ 大阪府立大学と大阪市立大学は今年統合され、大阪公立大学になっています。
- 「彼は言語性IQが120以上あったが、記憶想起の得点は68で、発達障害のある人の記憶力と同程度だった」という意味にすればいいのです。ポイントはcomparable with ~ 「~に匹敵する」、that of ~ のthatはthe memory recall score ということがわかればうまくつながります。68の後は、(which was) comparable with ~のように関係代名詞が省略された形を考えればいいでしょう。
- 「基本的な知識のない人間(つまりバカ)と扱われていた」の意味になります。ここで重要なのはYou were being treated…「扱われていた」の進行形の受動態とsomeone with no basic knowledge 「基本的な知識のないひと」のwithの前置詞句がsomeoneという名詞の修飾しているのが見えればOKです。a girl with long hair「長い髪の少女」なんか馴染みのある形でしょう。
1. ( comparable with that of a person who )
2. ( you were being treated as someone with no basic knowledge )